Do our thoughts matter that much?

Do our thoughts matter that much?

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 What does it mean to take every thought captive? What comes to mind when considering how to 

I used to be really mean.

I used to be really mean.

I used to be really mean. Seriously, I was an unkind person. And I knew that I was. And it bothered me. But my meanness was not something I had the courage to fully surrender until recent years. What does courage have to do with 

Can God really use my pain for something good?

Can God really use my pain for something good?

Losing my mom as a little girl has been one of the single most painful yet defining moments of my life. I have faith that God can and does bring good out of terrible situations, but that’s sometimes so difficult to believe when you’re the 

Living with a sensitive heart in a cruel and unfair world

Living with a sensitive heart in a cruel and unfair world

So, Facebook is great for sharing updates with friends and family and I live for funny memes. There’s clearly a lot of hate being thrown around lately, but every once in awhile some really sad and devastating stories get shared. They catch me off guard, 

We are in a time of stillness and waiting, but Easter is coming!

We are in a time of stillness and waiting, but Easter is coming!

I love the magic of the Christmas season and am always sad to see it end, but I have always LOVED Easter. There is just something about the beauty of seeing new life breathed in to things we thought were dead. After coming out of 

Peace in the Midst of Crisis

Peace in the Midst of Crisis

Just a couple of weeks ago many of us, myself included, were rolling our eyes at the thought of this virus causing this magnitude of a disruption to our daily lives. I remember when the outbreak first became significant in China and there were murmurings 

When having the “power of choice” might be power that has gone to our head

When having the “power of choice” might be power that has gone to our head

I’ve gone back and forth so many times on whether or not it would be beneficial or helpful for me to share my heart regarding the highly sensitive and controversial subject of abortion. I mentioned in my “About Me” section that sometimes I may write